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North East Essex Section of the 40 Plus Cycling Club is a friendly group with a love of cycling and the countryside around Essex and Suffolk. Our Tuesday rides often start in the Maldon, Tiptree and Colchester areas and visit places in Essex and Suffolk. Our rides are of a very social nature and the leaders avoid busy roads, as much as possible, so that quiet lanes and the countryside can be enjoyed. Sometimes there is a ‘culture stop’ during the ride to look at and appreciate a building or place of historical or other interest.
We meet at a different venue for elevenses each week and ride as a group to a pub or café for lunch, after which we continue to café for afternoon tea depending upon the weather and suitability to the members present. There are regularly 15 to 20 riders most weeks and we divide into two groups, one slower group riding about 10mph and a quicker group riding at about 14mph covering a slightly longer route to the same venue.
New members are always made welcome and the pace of the ride is controlled so everyone can keep together. If a rider has a puncture or mechanical breakdown, we stop and there is usually plenty of help and assistance to get them going quickly.